Rural Municipality & Community Vegetation Management

  • Noxious Weeds
    • Control Methods: Pride Upkeep Ltd. employs the strategies of targeted herbicides and mechanical removal, combined with state-of-the-art equipment, to help eradicate the infestation of these weeds in your area.
    • Regular Monitoring: Pre-and post-application monitoring is necessary for the the ultimate level in efficacy. With our help we'll aim to prevent the spread of these invasive plants from dominating landscapes and degrading property value.

For more than a decade Pride Upkeep Ltd. has expertly controlled prohibited, noxious, and nuisance weeds in RMs, cities, towns & villages.

*Contact Us For 2025 Rates

  • Parks and Athletic Fields
    • Safety: Safety is very important to communities and weeds can create uneven surfaces which can increase trips and falls. Especially in areas where our kids are running and playing.
    • Aesthetic Appeal: A well-maintained green space looks more inviting and pleasant. It also enhances the community pride and encourages use of the community spaces.
    • Water Conservation: Weeds compete with grasses and other desired plants for water. Reducing the number or weeds also reduces the amount of water needed to keep our Green Spaces Green.